What is Prestressed Concrete?

Video Source Concrete is a common construction material. While it can handle compressive force extremely well, it’s a brittle material that has no strength against tensile force (stretching out). Rebar is used to support concrete against tension forces. To optimize the rebar, it should be stretched out, creating what is known as prestressed concrete. When … [Read more…]

How to Support Concrete

Video Source Concrete is one of the most common construction materials for a reason. It’s a sturdy material that can hold a lot of weight without failing. However, concrete does have a weakness that builders need to be aware of. This is where rebar pipe comes into play. This video explains the weaknesses of concrete … [Read more…]

Picking a Pest Control Company

A pest control company is most likely your best bet when it comes to removing pests from your property. They have the specialized knowledge and experience necessary to get the job done. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the important things that you need to think about when you are picking … [Read more…]