According to this video, there has been a sudden increase in firearm sales recently. According to industry estimates, Americans purchased approximately 19.9 million firearms in 2021, a 12.
5% drop from firearm sales in 2020. However, 2021 was the second busiest year in the industry as public health and politics motivated people to own guns. According to Small Arms Analytics and Forecasting statistics, gun sales rose unexpectedly in 2020, surpassing the previous year by almost 64%.
Many observers attribute this rise to Covid-19 and politics. The pandemic triggered economic distress, increasing safety worries at the onset of 2020. Firearm sales remained high during the 2020 summer protests across the nation.
Usually, sales rise tremendously before the presidential elections when firearm fanatics predict strict gun control regulations. In 2021, American residents’ worries about the pandemic dwindled, with President Joe Biden’s demands for strict gun laws going unanswered.
Despite the National Shooting Sports Foundation estimations, firearm sales to first-time buyers hit 3.2 million in early 2021. Gun deaths in the US also rose during the pandemic, with 20,726 people dying from various forms of gun violence like unintentional deaths and homicides. .