When attempting to apply to a college or university, the software used by the campus can impact your ability to properly apply and register. Many campuses have moved their admission processes entirely online, so it’s important to understand the impact of this move on the admission process. When using online admission software for higher education, knowing the problems can help people understand what needs to be changed.
One of the most common problems is that campuses don’t implement the software throughout the entire campus. If the admissions office uses a certain software program while the registration office uses another, more often than not there will be issues with sharing information.
This lack of openness with the information affects the offices, as well as the students.
Additionally, many programs lack clarity. When confused about what the next steps of the process are, students will call offices on campus for clarification. Many offices on campuses are unequipped to handle a high volume of calls from both prospective students and their families. To counteract these issues, campuses must develop ways to help students understand to software and the admission process.
For additional information about understanding common problems with online admission software for higher education, please review the attached video.