Any homeowner who wants to avoid the repercussions of contracting the services of rogue roofing contractors that cut corners ought to pay close attention to the following advice from a trustworthy and experienced roofing contractor to avoid falling into the trap, which will bring headaches from the losses incurred.
Information is power and knowing the tricks applied is essential in helping you contract only the best roofing companies, since the roof is a substantial investment in charge of shielding your home from the harsh weather elements and integral in keeping everyone safe.
Here are seven malpractices that some contractors use that could put you and your house at risk in the future.
• Failure to show their permits
• Not having a license
• They cut corners on the ice or water underlayment.
• Failure to register warranties
• They use cheaper accessories that can void warranties.
• Failure to replace rotten decking or wood
• Not paying their bills
The tips will protect you from being duped by unscrupulous roofers, hence lowering the risk of losing your money to roofing fraudsters and identifying the signs of the best roofing companies to entrust with your roofing needs.